Being a college student and a person who loves checking things off the to do list, I've tried countless planners in attempt to control the chaos of busy schedules and never-ending assignments. However, I found myself using them for a few weeks before they ended up collecting dust on my desk. After being indecisive for months, I finally invested in an iPad and quickly fell in love with the endless customization options and convenience of having everything in one place. I realized the planner commitment issues stemmed from a lack of finding one that had exactly what I was looking for; a combination of simplicity, self care, and enough space for various aspects of life.

I became inspired to create what I had been seeking, and found excitement in the idea of sharing my vision with others. I made it my goal to create a peaceful space to organize the overwhelm we all face in life, with everything you need and nothing you don't. Planning doesn't have to be overwhelming, mundane, and a reminder of everything that needs to get done; rather a place to set goals, accomplish tasks, and become the best version of yourself.

A face behind the screen 🤍

Hi, I'm Allie! And I'm here to help you get organized and accomplish your goals. That begins with making your planner work for you, so let's get that crossed off your to do list.



    We are constantly seeking to enhance the digital planning experience through curated designs and functionality. Every feature is implemented with your convenience in mind.


    Our products are thoughtfully designed to harmonize simplicity and functionality. We believe that every page should serve a purpose, which is embodied in our products.


    We are dedicated to designing products that push you to be the best version of yourself. The goal isn't only to accomplish tasks, but to feel proud of yourself for doing it.